Care for Your Septic System: 5 Things to NEVER Put in Your Septic Tank

never put these things in your septic system

Care for Your Septic System: 5 Things to NEVER Put in Your Septic Tank

The last thing any property owner wants to deal with is a sewage overflow. If you have a septic tank, this is likely to happen unless you take care of it.

Septic systems come with a number of advantages, including the removal of pollutants from surface water and a lower risk of wide-spread disease. However, they require more care than traditional, centralized sewage systems.

One of the best ways to maintain your tank is to avoid throwing certain items down the drain. Let’s go over five materials you should never put in your system.

1. Food Items

Disposing of food in the trash is a much better option than using your garbage disposal. Solid food waste can clog your system.

Furthermore, oil and grease will result in a layer of buildup on the surface of the tank. This could lead to a backup, which causes pollution in the surrounding soil.

Consider starting a compost pile where you can dispose of organic waste. This will keep unwanted items out of your septic system and help instead of hurt the environment.

2. Medications

Avoid throwing any type of medication down the drain. This goes for prescription drugs or common, over-the-counter medicines.

Septic tanks contain essential bacteria that helps break down waste. Medications can disturb the balance of this bacteria, causing major problems in your tank.

Medicines will also contaminate the surrounding groundwater, which can lead to environmental harm. If this groundwater enters the water supply, it could cause serious health risks.

3. Chemical Cleaners

Although drain cleaning agents help with minor clogs, they can wreak havoc on your plumbing. They’re especially bad for septic systems. Like medications, they disrupt the balance of the good bacteria that break down waste in your tank.

You should also limit the number of other household cleaners you dispose of via sinks and toilets. This includes bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, and all-purpose cleaners.

While these products won’t damage your tank like drain cleaner, too much could become a problem.

4. Ordinary Toilet Paper

Never throw ordinary toilet paper into your septic system. This will lead to a major backup that could require professional septic service.

Instead, purchase toilet paper that’s designed to dissolve and biodegrade quickly. You can easily find brands that indicate if the toilet paper is septic-safe on the outside of the package.

5. Other Trash Items

It’s important to keep small waste items and debris out of your septic system. This will help avoid clogs or your tank filling up too quickly.

Things to avoid flushing include tissue, paper towels, cat litter, dental floss, or wet wipes. These things need to go into your trashcan instead.

A good rule of thumb is to only flush human waste and septic-safe toilet paper. You should also avoid using your garbage disposal when possible.

Take Care of Your Septic Tank in Long Island

Using a septic tank doesn’t have to be a pain as long as you know how to maintain it. A big part of regular upkeep is keeping inappropriate items out of your drains.

Keep this list of items in mind and keep your septic system in tip-top shape.

If your septic system in Long Island needs treatment, we can help. Contact us today to schedule service.

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